·蘇州是中國長三角重要的中心城市之一,相城區位居蘇州大市中心。 ;
·進出口總額 3053.5億美元,位居全國第四;;
·2015年底 148家世界500強企業在蘇州有投資項目;
蘇相合作區蘇州市全國最强地級市,相城位於長三角經濟圈腹地,蘇州市域地理中心:2023年蘇相合作區實現地區生產總值1150億元,固定投資實現15%的新增,當地淨增高新企業共計237家,連續5年位居全市第一。 2022年全市實現地區生產總值23958.3億元,位居全國第三:蘇州市規模以上工業總產值43642.7億元,位居全國第二:2022年末160家世界500强跨國公司在蘇州投資設立了450個項目·2022年實際利用外資74.18億元,位居全國第二·高新技術產業產值2.28萬億元,排名全省第一2020年蘇州工業園區蘇相合作區進入實體化運作階段
advantage of locality Suzhou Xiangcheng cooperation zone advantage The strongest prefecture-level city in Suzhou, Xiangcheng is located in the hinterland of the Yangtze River Delta economic Circle and the geographical center of Suzhou: In 2023, Suzhou Xiangcheng Cooperation Zone will achieve a regional GDP of 115 billion yuan, a 15% increase in fixed investment, and a net increase of 237 local high-tech enterprises, ranking first in the city for five consecutive years. In 2022, the city's gross regional product reached 2,395.83 billion yuan, ranking third in the country: The total industrial output value of Suzhou above designated size was 4,364.27 billion yuan, ranking second in the country: By the end of 2022, 160 Fortune Global 500 multinational companies have invested and set up 450 projects in Suzhou. In 2022, the actual utilization of foreign capital is 7.418 billion yuan, ranking second in the country, and the output value of high-tech industry is 2.28 trillion yuan, ranking first in the province In 2020, Suzhou Xiangcheng Cooperation Zone of Suzhou Industrial Park will enter the stage of substantive operation
工業園區企業搬遷至蘇相合作區,無需重新注册公司,只需修改註冊地址; 實現社保對接,原工業園區企業員工仍可享受原有工業園區社保待遇:·針對蘇州工業園區搬遷企業,可以通過原有的通路進行稅務登記和海關申報工作;
Suzhou Xiangcheng cooperation zone advantage Industrial park enterprises to move to Suzhou Xiangcheng complex, no need to re-register the company, only need to change the registered address; To realize social security docking, the employees of the original industrial park enterprises can still enjoy the social security benefits of the original industrial park :· For the relocated enterprises in Suzhou Industrial Park, tax registration and customs declaration can be carried out through the original channels; Government support is strong, depending on the degree of tax contribution of enterprises, give corresponding concessions